Woman of the Week – Tei Street

Tei Street

My Current Job/Company:
National Speaker, Trainer, Facilitator, Consultant for StreetTalk with The “Amazing” Tei Street

My Birthdate:
September 25

My Work:
I work with groups, mostly youth, to help them find the “amazing” that is within each of them. I want to assure that each one knows that they matter in the universe.

My Passion:
God, my sons & the rest of my family (those of birth & of choice), my friends, & my work!

My Family:
Sons- Kenneth & Christopher, My parents- Alvin & Theresa (who will celebrate 50 years of marriage on September 9th) my Sister Tanya, who is also my best friend, my brother Monte & my plethora of nieces, nephews and Godchildren.

My Heroes:
My parents, my sister, Kathy Espy, Joyce Beatty, W. Shawna Gibbs, the 22 Founders of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Emery Hill (deceased), Pastor Rich Nathan & all the young people who make good choices in a “peer-pressured” world.

My Escape:
In Ohio for a quick getaway, I love Yellow Springs. Away, I love a quiet villa on Kiawah Island watching God paint the sky with a sunrise & sunset.

My Pet Peeve:
Negative people who rain on other people’s “parades” and people who talk about their dreams but refuse to live them.

My Indulgence:
Anything my mother cooks, Facebook and men.

My Roots:
Humble. Christian. Proud. Fun. Happy. They run much deeper than I can adequately honor.

My Future:
Spent living my dreams, while watching my sons live out their legacy.

My Love:
My first love is God! Next it is celebrating my sons, cheering on my friends and laughing!

My Movie:
Imitation of Life, The Contender, American President, The Color Purple, The Matrix, Star Wars Trilogy

My Quote on Life:

“I know the plans I have for you said the Lord; Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future!” Jeremiah 29:11

My Accessory:
Earrings & sunglasses.

My Advice to Young Women:
Let the choices you make today, be choices you can live with tomorrow. Don’t give all of you away. Find good mentors and never burn your bridges behind you.

How I Balance it All:
As a single mom, I start by giving myself permission to be human with flaws. Then, I roll up my sleeves, and with the help of my agent, I try to keep a good calendar of business and personal events. I always prioritize being a mom and I am able to do that because I have a GREAT support system of friends and family who act as a village for my son.

Woman of the Week – Lisa Hinson

Lisa HinsonMy Name:
Lisa Hinson

My Current Job/Company:
Owner, Hinson Ltd Public Relations

My Birthdate:

My Work:
I own a boutique PR firm and feel very fortunate to work with some of the best brands in our market. We are small but mighty and we like it that way. I enjoy my team, my clients and my community.

My Passion:
Doing a lot and doing it with gusto! I love watching my children grow and achieve their dreams. The theme in our house is “if you believe it, you can achieve it.” I’ve used it so many times now my husband and kids just roll their eyes. I cannot wait for the day when I hear Connor and Avery use that phrase with their kids.

My Family:
Alan (husband) Connor (18) Avery (13)

My Heroes:
Accomplished women who make community stewardship a priority. There are too many to name here and we all certainly have them in our lives. I am forever amazed at how quietly effective the female leadership of this community is. No fanfare. No chest pounding. They simply dedicate their time and talent to make central Ohio a better place for everyone to live and raise a family. I have deep respect for that kind of commitment and realize the positive impact it has on all of us.

My Escape:
Our family farm in Licking County. Rolling hills of crops (soy beans this year), woods with trails, horses and tractors—all are great for the soul!

My Pet Peeve:
Mechanical difficulties. Phones, cars, computers, etc. This is especially top of mind for me today since my internet and phone service were both down for 6 hours. Can you imagine? A communicator with no ability to communicate!

My Indulgence:
I like travel, be it down the road or across the globe!

My Roots:
A small quaint town and a household full of activity all the time. Hobbies, music, athletics, etc.

My Future:
Full of family activity and continued professional fulfillment.

My Love:
I think my husband’s pretty great. He’s got a wonderful sense of humor and supports me in whatever I choose to do. Couldn’t ask for a better partner and father.

My Movie:
Any John Hughes movie from the 1980s. Pretty in Pink. Breakfast Club. Weird Science. Sixteen Candles. Uncle Buck. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. The year that Hughes passed away I made my kids watch them all with me over several winter weekends. Surprisingly, they seemed to like them. I guess neon apparel and big hair transcends all decades!

My Quote on Life:
It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.

My Accessory:
Scarves, usually equestrian themed.

My Advice to Young Women:
If you believe it, you can achieve it! Seriously, ditch the negative self talk and get out there and do great things. If not you, who?

How I Balance it All:
Know when to say no. If something saps your energy instead of giving you energy, it’s time to move on. Decide where you want to make an impact and focus there. Don’t attempt to do everything.

Woman of the Week – Kimberly Ratcliff

kim ratcliffUnderstanding what makes dynamic female leaders tick is key to successfully recruiting – and retaining – them in your organization.

Each week, we feature a woman from our community to give a peek at the key areas – personal and professional – that motivate and drive these high performing executives. If you know someone who should be featured, contact us!

Kimberly Ratcliff

My Current Job/Company
Director, Communications/Battelle for Kids

My Birthdate

My Work
I provide strategic communications counsel to large urban school districts across the country.

My Passion
My family and friends, including the dog. The great outdoors.

My Family
Ben (husband), Katie (14), Joshua (10)

My Heroes
All of my dogs, present and past

My Escape
Anything outdoors, preferably in the mountains. National Parks at Teton, Glacier, Acadia and Bay of Fundy are favorite places.

My Pet Peeve
People who could care less. And people who don’t think.

My Indulgence
Reese’s Cups. Jeni’s ice cream-Queen City Chocolate. Spicy Indian food.

My Roots
My family is from Southeast Ohio, on the border of Ross and Vinton Counties. This means that I’m used to being around some pretty compelling storytellers.

My Future
Gives me a chance to continue growing up, although I don’t think I’ll ever REALLY be a “grown-up!”

My Love
Being with my dog.

My Movie
Amelie. I love the characters, the part of Paris where it’s set (Montmartre) and the vibrant colors of the costumes and scenery.

My Quote on Life
“Always do what you are afraid to do.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

My Accessory
Earrings, long and dangly

My Advice to Young Women
Don’t be afraid to take risks. Just make sure that you know yourself well, and surround yourself with people who love you and are comfortable questioning you so that you stay grounded along the way.

How I Balance it All
My life is like a game of whack-a-mole. One thing’s in balance, and another thing is popping up. When I was in my 30s, it all felt pretty overwhelming, but I think that my 40s are teaching me to get used to it and just keep pushing forward. Being patient with myself is probably the most difficult lesson I’ve learned, but now that I can do it, I am much happier. It’s okay to make mistakes as long as I can learn a lesson from the missed mark.

Woman of the Week – Emily Hoppert

Emily Hoppert

My Current Job/Company:
Owner, Joe’s Daughter Photography

My Birthdate:

My Work
I am a modern portrait photographer specializing in maternity,
newborns, children, high school seniors, engagements, weddings, boudoir, and
families. I offer on-location services in the Columbus area.

My Passion:
My family, my friends, photography, health, fitness, and travel.

My Family:
Jason (Husband), Carmen Ohio (dog)

My Hero:
Bob Pressnell, my grandfather

My Escape:
Dietsch’s Brothers Ice Cream in Findlay Ohio

My Pet Peeve:
Lack of follow through or execution. Pretentious behavior.  Keep it
real folks 🙂

My Indulgence:
A day that would include a purchase at Nordstrom in the shoe
department, a manicure and pedicure, and a big meal followed with an ice cream sundae. This happens too much!

My Roots:
Small town farm girl.  Hard working and inspirational parents. Only
child.  Very lucky to have a loving family and to have met some of my
best friends who are my extended family now as an adult.

My Future:
Very busy, very active, and hope to be challenged and educated on
something new each day of my life.

My Love:
Each day of my life. I am so happy, very full, and love each and every
person in my life very much.

My Movie:
Steel Magnolias…….so many great lessons and so much love
between the girls.

My Quote on Life:
Forgiveness comes when you give up the hope that you can’t change the
past – Oprah Winfrey

My Accessory:
iPhone…..constantly in my hand!

My Advice to Young Women:
Trust your instincts. The biggest decisions will turn into the best
decisions if you use your gut. Be fearless and do what you love, be
who you are, and don’t apologize for getting what you want.

How I Balance it All….
I love what I do and that makes it easier.  I make sure to have time
with my husband, time for my health, and time for my family and
friends.  I get most of my work done while being a night owl.  I make
sure not to deliver a product until it is just right and if that
means working longer, that is fine!

Woman of the Week – Elfi Di Bella

Each week, we feature a new woman from our growing community of dynamic professionals. If you know someone who should be featured, contact us!

Elfi Di Bella

My Current Job/Company:
President & CEO, YWCA Columbus

My Birthdate:

My Work:
have the opportunity to work on behalf of a mission that eliminates racism and empowers women and an organization that meets so many critical needs in our community. How lucky am I?

My Passion:
My family, my friends, my community and giving back

My Family:
Katie (daughter, 24)

My Heroes:
My parents, my brothers and some of my close lady friends

My Escape:
A bubble bath with wine and Enya or Vittorio in the background

My Pet Peeve:
Negative people and constant complainers

My Indulgence:
Spa visit

My Roots:
Humble and hard working

My Future:
Busy and Bright. Optimistic.

My Love:
Spending time with my daughter and friends and laughing so hard that I snort.

My Movie:
“Hello Dolly” – love the singing & dancing and a woman with a can-do attitude

My Quote on Life:
“Life is good”
“To love what you do and feel that it matters – how could anything be more fun?” (Katharine Graham)

My Accessory:
Anything persimmon

My Advice to Young Women:

Network – through one-on-one meetings or by attending different networking events.
Keep an open mind – as different opportunities present themselves – recognize the opportunities within them.
Embrace change – change is constant, change is here to stay and status quo is not an option. If you think change is difficult – try irrelevance.
Seek a mentor – who possesses the skills you lack or want to acquire.
Don’t “sabotage” other women – be confident in your own abilities; support each other and we all win.

    How I Balance it All:
    It’s hard. I am constantly reshuffling. I have a great support system with my team at work and my amazing group of friends. I schedule exercise time and down time to rejuvenate my spirit and soul.

    Woman of the Week – Katina Fullen

    Each week, we feature a new woman from our growing community of dynamic professionals. If you know someone who should be featured, contact us!

    Katina Fullen

    My Current Job/Company:
    Executive Director, I Know I Can

    My Birthdate:
    10.03.72 (A true Libra!)

    My Work:
    I help make college dreams a reality for Columbus City Schools students and their families. I believe every child deserves access to quality education and to the information, resources and preparation to make the choice to go to college.

    My Passions:
    My family. My Italian heritage. The families of Columbus City Schools.

    My Family:
    Craig (husband) Dominic (son, 6 years) Aurora (daughter, 3 years)

    My Heroes:
    My grandmother, Clara D’Aurora Trimmer. My daughter, Aurora – despite health obstacles facing her, she remains courageous and resilient.

    My Escape:
    My iPod and a six-mile running trail. My Kindle and Jamesport, Long Island.

    My Pet Peeve:
    Selfishness. Complaints with no solutions.

    My Indulgence:
    Good sales. Sicilian (square) Pizza.

    My Roots:
    A large, close-knit family who taught me the importance of giving back. Blue-collar. Down-to-earth.

    My Future:

    My Love:
    My kids. Listening to my son read me a bedtime story! Watching my daughter do anything – she approaches everyday life with such joy and determination.

    My Movie:
    Dave. It’s a great illustration of how simple things can be, but how complicated we can make them.

    My Quote on Life:
    From the Book of James 3:19 “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters! Let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger.”

    My Accessory:
    Pearls. Bought my first strand in 6th grade at Claire’s Boutique with my babysitting money!

    My Advice to Young Women:
    Surround yourself with positive people. Find one or two mentors. Once you do, ask lots of questions and be a good listener.

    How I Balance it All:
    I don’t! I struggle everyday because I LOVE my family and I LOVE my work! But I ask for help…a lot…from my husband and family. I try to be fully present when I am home and save the work until the kids are in bed. This Thursday, our family is celebrating Son’s Day (just like Mother’s or Father’s Day) and next Thursday will be Daughter’s Day. It was my son’s idea to create a day all about the kids. We are doing all of their favorite activities including a pancake breakfast in bed, a trip to the swimming pool and a nightcap at Whit’s Frozen Custard! Don’t tell Hallmark! 🙂

    Woman of the Week – Nichole Dunn

    Nichole Dunn
    Nichole Dunn

    My Current Job/Company:
    President & CEO, The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio

    My Birthdate:

    My Work:
    I cultivate, steward, and hopefully inspire philanthropy that invests in social change for women and girls.

    My Passion:
    Being happy. Being fulfilled. My family, my work, and smiling.

    My Family:
    Michael (Husband), Abigail (a strong minded, opinionated, and believes every day should have rainbows, 6-yr-old) , Henry (a recently potty trained, orange haired, happy, nicest 3-year-old boy ever!), and Maggie (an 80 pound, 8-year-old American Bulldog).

    My Heroes:
    Can anyone really compete with my mom (Jo Ann Baum)?

    My Escape:
    My backyard on a sunny day.

    My Pet Peeve:
    Clutter… “stuff” left out on counter tops, floors, etc for more than three hours…yep- three hours and I start to itch. Oh- and mean, unhappy people. Not a fan.

    My Indulgence:
    The new salty bon-bons at Pistacia Vera. Mmmmmm.

    My Roots:
    My parents were born and raised on farms in Minnesota and carried that work ethic, focus on family, and humility into raising my sister and I. And having a sense of humor.

    My Future:
    Completely unknown but I am utterly curious and trying to be patient for it to happen while enjoying the right here and now.

    My Love:
    When Henry tells me “ I love you with all my heart, Mommy, I am your son”…. And the volumes of Abigail-created rainbow pictures with she and I holding hands.

    My Movie:
    I am a product of the 80’s/Gen X demographic which can be summed up in the movie “Reality Bites”….or a hopeless romantic with the “Princess Bride”… and a kid at heart with the 1994 remake of “The Little Rascals.”

    My Quote on Life:
    One quote? Oh but there are so many and it depends on the day, the hour, the moment. The short one: “A smile is contagious…so be infectious.”
    Reminder when things are tough: “This too shall pass.”
    Overall: “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.”

    My Accessory:
    On the weekends, it’s my kids and a pair of tennis shoes. Monday through Friday, it’s chunky and layered necklaces with my modest but slowly growing collection of shoes.

    My advice to young women:
    Create relationships! Commit to scheduling at least two times a month, a 45 minute coffee talk with women you would like to know, are inspired by, or want to learn from. This simple curiosity, without an agenda or expectation, but simply to meet others can build a rolodex of opportunities and support that last many career choices and life transitions. I strongly believe as human beings we exist fully when engaged and connected to each other, and especially for women, we thrive when we know there are others who have our back.

    How I Balance it All:
    Well, for starters, I am not sure if I do but I try. It helps if I first define what it “all” is. I have a great partner in my husband, Michael, who does the daily pick up and dinner routine. And it means that I am not the Mom who gets the gold star for perfect attendance at all the doctor’s appointments or muffins with mom mornings but we do sing songs in the car and I try not to work more than three late nights in a week. I take full advantage of dry cleaning being delivered to my home and discovered that the personal stylist service at Nordstrom doesn’t cost extra so why not have someone find that jacket or dress for me without me spending hours with two kids playing hide-n-seek in the racks or dressing room. I might show up 15 minutes late to the game but I seem to be the parent who cheers the loudest. I am certain that I don’t have the cleanest house in the neighborhood but at the end of the day, I have a fulfilled life. A life with lots of hugs and giggles, a job that is incredibly challenging and rewarding, and every now and then I even have moments to inhale….and exhale with gratitude and a glass of wine. And this, for me, is what “all” is.

    Woman of the Week – Tricia Wheeler

    Tricia Wheeler

    My Current Job/Company:

    Publisher and Editor in Chief, Edible Columbus

    My Birthdate:
    January 7

    My Work:
    I publish a quarterly publication called Edible Columbus, to champion local food, artisans, farmers, producers, chefs and food enthusiasts. I also teach a series of cooking classes each quarter that celebrate seasonal fare and dishes.

    My Passion:
    Helping people become confident in the kitchen and introducing them to the bounty of interesting foods and producers we have in Ohio.

    My Family:
    Scott, my husband, and Kensington, my daughter.

    My Heroes:
    Julia Child and Jacques Pepin.

    My Escape:
    New York City.

    My Pet Peeve:
    Clutter, physical and mental.

    My Indulgence:
    I buy any ingredient I want for my recipes – no matter how rare or expensive – to make the dish perfect!

    My Roots:
    A couple of generations of wonderful cooks who cared about connecting our family through traditions around the table.

    My Future:
    Exciting as I find more opportunities to share the stories of our local food community.

    My Love:
    My family, especially my daughter.

    My Movie:
    Julie and Julia.

    My Quote on Life:
    Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass….it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

    My Accessory:

    My Advice to Young Women:
    Don’t be afraid to take risks, especially entrepreneurial ones, when you’re young. If you have the entrepreneurial drive, act on it now! The sky is the limit with what you can do.

    How I Balance it All:
    I get up early. Also, I take time for myself.

    Woman of the Week – Evelyn Sullen Smith

    Each week, we feature a new woman from our growing community of dynamic professionals. If you know someone who should be featured, contact us!

    Evelyn Sullen Smith

    My Current Job/Company: General Counsel – Americas

    My Birthdate: 10.06.68

    My Work: I am legal counsel to Mettler-Toledo, Inc., the North American headquarters of the world’s largest precision and weighing instruments manufacturer for lab, food retail and industrial applications.

    My Passion: My quest for knowledge and wisdom.

    My Family: Jason (Husband), Mikaili (3), Tori (2)

    My Heroes: My mom, Thoris Marie Walton; U.S. District Court Judge Denise Page Hood; Hon. Andrew Young, former UN Ambassador; First Lady Michelle Obama

    My Escape: My Barnes & Noble Nook (eReader) and running

    My Pet Peeve: Lazy people

    My Indulgence: Wine and (a rare indulgence) dates with my husband

    My Roots: Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan

    My Future: Only God knows

    My Love: My family

    My Movie: Toy Story 3 (thanks to my daughters)

    My Quote on Life: For those to whom much is given, much is required.

    My Accessory: Handbags

    My Advice to Young Women: In this technology-driven world, never underestimate the power of a handwritten note on personalized stationery.

    How I Balance it All:
    With lots of laughter!

    Woman of the Week – Naila Chauncey Hughes

    Each week, we feature a new woman from our growing community of dynamic professionals. If you know someone who should be featured, contact us!
    naila chauncey hughes
    Naila (pronounced ny-EE-lah) Chauncey Hughes

    My Current Job/Company:
    My company is called Spirit Syrup. It’s a woman-centered life coaching company that offers one-on-one sessions, workshops and restorative retreats.

    My Birthdate:
    July 29th.

    My Work:
    My work inspires me. Every day I get to meet and support women seeking a life aligned with the bigness of the dreams and talents. It lifts me.

    My Passion:
    Freedom from “shoulds.” Laughter. A cute pair of heels. Passport required travel. Road trips. Moments when my husband feels more like my boyfriend.

    My Family:
    Given: My mum (Carole), sister (Michele), my aunts, uncles and cousins.

    Chosen: My husband (Kennon), Lu (bestie), Robin (too big for words), Tootsie and Pretty (step-cats)

    My Heroes:
    Mum, my grandmother Iris, my sister and Oprah.

    My Escape:
    Nature. Books. Laughter.

    My Pet Peeve:
    Late breaking news reports that interrupt my favorite TV shows.

    My Indulgence:
    Apple pie with ice cream. Crème brûlée.

    My Roots:
    Love, determination and the guidance of family. Toronto. Guyana. Virginia. Anansi. Classic House and Calypso music.

    My Future:
    My future will be the kind of thing postcards are made of. It will be a collection of pictures of people and places from all over the world and the Spirit Syrup workshops done there. I hope there will be letters from attendees that say “Thank you. Your workshop changed my life.”

    My Loves:
    Me. Kennon. Family. Babies. Fun.

    My Movies:
    The Matrix. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

    My Quote on Life:
    “You cannot pretend to be less than you are.” Oprah.

    My Accessories:
    Bangles and bracelets.

    My Advice to Young Women:
    Give yourself permission to celebrate the bright light that you are. Do not dim your light for anyone.

    How I Balance it All:
    This is a work in progress. I listen to my body and my heart.