Woman of the Week – Amanda Mason

Amanda Mason

My Current Job / Company:
Vice President of Asset Management / Locus Development (Located in Grand Rapids, MI)

My Birthday:

My Work:
-Meet with potential tenants, help built their business plans, investment structures and return analysis to generate capital
-Manage, deadlines, and requirements relating to various commercial and residential real estate investments
-Develop, communicate and streamline best business practices and efficient day-to-day processes

My Passion:
To inspire. To be inspired creates unlimited potential, for me it is as necessary to life as oxygen. You know the feeling when you are paralyzed in awe, or on to such a hot idea you can’t sleep or think about anything else, or when tingles run through your body seemingly jolting you to change? This is inspiration. I happen to think it is the state in which the best and most revolutionary thought is produced. My passion is to create that for as many people as I can.

My Family:
Tamy & Carl / Jeff & Lisa (parents), Austin & Alec (baby brothers that are not babies anymore ☹)

My Heroes:
My mom and dad. Both entrepreneurs that never took “no” for an answer, they taught by example the importance of work ethic, determination, and most of all, integrity. I am constantly inspired by them. They are my heart and soul.

My Escape:
Long runs with good friends

My Pet Peeves:
Hypocrisy, laziness and conceit… oh, and chewing with your mouth open

My Indulgence:
PEEPS! (Bunnies not chicks… there is a difference I am sure of it)

My Roots:
Michigan summers, Sunday barbeques, my dad singing songs in the car accompanied by his interpretation of percussion on the steering wheel, summer camp, leaf piles, ice skating in the back yard (the beginning of several years of being certain I would be Kristy Yamaguchi someday…certain!)

I had hard working parents that taught me everything they could every day.

My Future:

My Love:
History and architecture

My Movie:
Rudy – I am a total sucker for underdogs and a life-long ND fan

My Quote on Life:
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs

My Accessory:
Sparkly Earrings, big rings, a running watch, and Chuck Taylors

My Advice to Young Women:
Identify two things:
1. What is your passion?
2. What are your strengths?
Chose a career that satisfies both. And, then surround yourself professionally and personally with people you admire, turn yourself into a sponge and take in all that you can, recognize that you can never stop bettering yourself and use anything and everything as a means to do so.

How I Balance it All:
I definitely do not! I need a lot of work in this area. I make A LOT of checklists, put everything on my calendar (which may or may not be color coded), and try to clearly COMMUNICATE with the partners where I see my priorities to make sure we are on the same page. Fortunately (or unfortunately) I can be more selfish with my time now before I have a family of my own, however when that time comes, I will learn from all the super “jugglers” that came before me.

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