Woman of the Week ~ Katie Kuttrus

It’s a new year and we are re-imagining our previous Woman of the Week to include Career advice, insights, and feedback from our clients and friends.

Our first Highlight is our daughter, who is now old enough to have a LinkedIn Page!  Katie Kuttrus is a freshman at the University of Dayton studying Business/Entrepreneurship. Jack Kuttrus and I are so proud to be her parents!

Best Mentor/Sponsor in your Life:  The best mentor in my life was my high school advisor, Mr. Hansen. I met Mr. Hansen going into my freshman year of high school. I was a very nervous freshman but whenever I went to talk to him about a struggle I was immediately more calm. He knew how to put things into perspective, which, as a 15 year old, is all I needed. As I continued to grow through high school he was there for it all.  At the beginning of my senior year, I experienced some serious health issues. He immediately reached out, connected with my family, and was there to talk any day I needed. I can’t begin to express my gratitude for him and all his support towards my family and me.

Best Investment of Time in Your School/Career: The best investment of my time throughout my school career has been being a part of student government in high school. I was nominated class president through my first years of high school and then that led to student body president, my senior year. Although getting up in front of the student body for morning meetings was very fun, the most rewarding experiences came from the relationships I created through these groups. I learned life skills that I didn’t realize were difficult to obtain for a teenager. I think that it really set me on a track for success because I was able to develop strong leadership and communication skills and that also led me in a direction to be able to deal with times of adversity very well, and in a tranquil manner.

Best Career Advice You’ve Received: The best career advice I have received is from my Mom. My mom has always advised me to do what I love, and in return, I will love what I do. She has proved this advice to be true throughout my life, and through her career. I believe that with her by my side and with her guidance I will easily be able to accomplish this as well.

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