Woman of the Week – Holly Harper

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Holly Harper

My Current Job/Company:
Director of Marketing at sparkspace

My Work:
I promote sparkspace, which is not just a creative meeting facility; it’s a place to have a memorable experience with your team. I believe that teams who take the time to come together, collaborate, communicate (and have a little fun too!) are way more successful in the long run. That’s why I am so passionate about bringing people to our unique space in the Arena District.

My Passion:
Sharing food around the table with loved ones.

My Family:
My husband, Nick. He’s truly my best friend.

My Hero or Heroes:
My mom! She instilled a sense of curiosity in me at a vey young age and encouraged me to explore the world around me. She is also always very present, which leads her to live a very full life. I strive to be like her!

My Escape:
My hometown on Lake Michigan. Give me the sand and the sunset over the water any time and I’m a happy camper.

My Pet Peeve:
People who only talk about themselves.

My Indulgence:
Large bucket of popcorn in the movie theater seeing the newest Marvel movie (I’m a sucker for all that superhero stuff).

My Roots:
I was a wild child that ran through the forests and sand dunes of Grand Haven, Michigan. Lover of the outdoors and part of a close-knit community in a small beach town.

My Future:
Intentionally filled with people and things that bring me joy. Spreading that joy to others. Always seeing the positive. Always making it a point to laugh each day.

My Favorite Quote:
“Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen” -Conan O’Brien

My Accessory:
Smile. Leopard print shoes.

My advice to Young Women:
Don’t worry about how others may perceive you. If something interests you, then do it! Just dive right in and try something new.

How I Balance it All:
Meditation has been a game changer for me lately. 7 minutes in the morning (5 seemed too short and 10 minutes seemed too long) gets me centered and focused; it allows me to start the day fully present. I actually tried not meditating for a few days just to see if I would notice the difference and boy did I ever. I’ve become such a big believer that I’m trying to get my husband in on the routine with me.

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