Woman of the Week ~ Lisa Moser

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Lisa Moser

My Current Job/Company: Author/Speaker/Consultant

My Work: Teaching people how to speak to the heart of their audience through authentic connection. Giving a voice to your passion.

My Passion: My family, encouraging others, helping others accomplish their dreams.

My Family: Don (Supportive Husband of 28 years), Cambree-25, Arlaina-23, Noah-17, Cohen-15 (2 year old Lab Cooper).

My Hero or Heroes: My daughter Arlaina who was diagnosed with Juvenile diabetes at the age of 8 years old. Also I love the underdogs–anyone who overcomes the odds and shows us all you can achieve anything you set your mind too!

My Escape: The mountains and hiking!! Just brings my life into perspective!

My Pet Peeve: Negativity, people who are late, people who have victim mentality.

My Indulgence: Pastries!!

My Roots: Very humble beginnings in life; very family focused; overcoming a lot of negative self talk.

My Future: Super exciting and busy! Serving others and helping them share their messages!! (plus doing what I love and speaking too!!)

My Favorite Quote: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right.” – Henry Ford

My Accessory: Sparkles and a smile.

My Advice to Young Women: Believe you are enough!! Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks about you and live your passion and purpose – AND always root for others!!

How I Balance it All:That is a loaded question, lol. I think it’s a constant reassessing on what is the top priority for the day. Being a wife, mom of 4, and owning my own business, things can change from day to day. So I prioritize everyday!!

Woman of the Week ~ Nanette O’Neal

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Nanette O’Neal

My Current Job/Company: Author of A Doorway Back to Forever book series and entrepreneur at Beyond the Doorway

My Work: Using the power of story, I help you unleash the hero within to become the person you were meant to be. My book series is inspirational for children of all ages, and my online course supplements the series to strengthen character for individuals and families alike.

My Passion: My faith, my family, my friends, and a good story.

My Family: Michael (my incredible husband), Michael Jr. (my wonderful son), Kristen (the best daughter-in-law on the planet), and Charlotte (the most adorable granddaughter alive). Heidi my German Shepherd, Charlie my husky, and Geordi my kitty.

My Hero or Heroes: My best friend from childhood, Nansi Krauss, who believes in me like no one else ever has. My husband, Michael O’Neal, who is my rock and my forever-man.

My Escape: Space, the final frontier! Soaring aboard the Starship Enterprise, exploring strange new worlds …!

My Pet Peeve: I hate when you go to the movies with someone who already saw the picture and they tell you what’s going to happen. *rolling my eyes*

My Indulgence: Snuggling my doggies and kitty.

My Roots: I’m a Jersey girl at heart, but I love spending time in the mountains.

My Future: My future is a series of amazing doorways leading to happiness beyond measure.

My Favorite Quote: “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.” Alfred Lord Tennyson from the poem Ulysses. (really, the whole poem)

My Accessory: A dog leash.

My Advice to Young Women: Your life is a wonderful story yet to be written. Don’t deny the victory that is already yours to claim.

How I Balance it All: Being grounded in faith in my Savior, Jesus Christ, sets the foundation. Loving myself despite my flaws helps me move past my yesterdays. Relying on the people who genuinely love me gives me strength for today. Keeping an eternal perspective gives me hope for tomorrow.

Woman of the Week ~ Daphne V. Smith

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Daphne V. Smith

My Current Job/Company: Speaker, Author, Wave Maker, and Truth Teller through Daphne V. Smith

My Work: I work with high achieving women ready to breakthrough the mask of perfection in order to recall their dreams, reclaim their dignity, and realize their destiny.

My Passion: Encouraging women to realize their innate potential and own their gifts

My Family: Husband of more than 30 years, David. Three grown amazing humans- daughter, Erica; son, Connor; daughter-in-love, Alexis

My Hero or Heroes: Specifically, my maternal grandmother who graduated from college at age 69; generally, victors and over comers of all kinds

My Escape: Reading, especially in the sunshine

My Pet Peeve: Martyrs, victims and secrets

My Indulgence: Dark chocolate and the occasional reality show

My Roots: Proud Texan from family committed, hard working, stubborn, faithful parents and grandparents

My Future: I believe if I’m still breathin’, it’s for a reason. As a life-long learner, I plan to keep growing.

My Favorite Quote: From Marianne Williamson’s Our Deepest Fear, “it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”

My Accessory: A quality handbag

My Advice to Young Women: Seek whose you are and who you are, up until now the world has tried to mold you, seek your authentic self

How I Balance it All: I believe in harmony over balance. Knowing my values and priorities allows me to adapt and achieve.

Non-Profit Spotlight | Rebecca Wiggins | Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education

We are thrilled to highlight women making an impact in our community through the work they do in non-profit organizations. We asked these women to share one thing…why they are passionate about their work. We are inspired by their responses, and we know you will be, too! Today are excited to highlight our friend Rebecca Wiggins who is dedicated to making a difference through the amazing work she does at theAssociation for Financial Counseling and Planning Education!

I am passionate about the work because economic security is foundational for lasting positive social change. AFCPE certifies financial counselors and coaches who work with individuals and families to create financial security. We believe that each person is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to money, and that all people should have access to the highest standards of professionalism, not just people with wealth.

Non-Profit Spotlight | Lisa Hinkelman | Ruling Our Experiences

We are excited to take the month of February to highlight women making an impact in our community through the work they do in non-profit organizations. We asked these women to share one thing…why they are passionate about their work. We are inspired by their responses, and we know you will be, too! Today are thrilled to highlight our friend Lisa Hinkelman who is dedicated to making a difference through the amazing work she does at Ruling Our Experiences!

My passion for my work comes from knowing that what I am doing is actually making a substantial difference in the lives of girls throughout the country. I feel so rewarded when I see first hand the transformation that happens when girls start to believe that they are strong and worth defending, when they realize that their voice and opinion matter, and when they begin to consciously and confidently stand up for themselves and for other girls.

The recent research that we conducted with The Girls’ Index with nearly 11,000 girls across the country was another intense motivator for me in this work. Some of the statistics are quite sobering. When nearly 1 in 2 girls don’t say what they are thinking or disagree with others because they want to be liked, I believe we have a crisis! We are missing out on the opinions, ideas, thoughts, creativity and contributions of so many girls. Knowing what we now know, we have a responsibility to act and to work diligently to create a better world for girls.

Non-Profit Spotlight | Rachel Finney | Columbus Humane

We are excited to take the month of February to highlight women making an impact in our community through the work they do in non-profit organizations. We asked these women to share one thing…why they are passionate about their work. We are inspired by their responses, and we know you will be, too! Today are thrilled to highlight our friend Rachel Finney who is dedicated to making a difference through the amazing work she does at Columbus Humane!

I hear more times than you can imagine, “I could never do your job.” (Sometimes five or more times in the same day.) The truth is, most people really couldn’t do my job and that’s okay. It’s difficult. It’s complex. It’s emotional. Sometimes it’s downright daunting. But animal welfare is right at the intersections of my passions: people and animals. I love being a part of uniting and protecting them both. My roll at Columbus Humane is equal parts challenging, rewarding, restorative, exhausting and exhilarating. My team here is nothing short of exceptional and I’m grateful for each of them. While it’s true that I am sometimes exposed to the worst people can do to each other and to animals; I’m way more often surrounded by the very best in people. Kind, generous, patient and very dedicated people. My work directly saves the lives of animals and the people who love them. AND, I can take a break and play with dogs and cats whenever I want. Seriously, can it get better than that? I can’t imagine work better suited for me.

Non-Profit Spotlight | Tasha Booker | City Year

We are excited to take the month of February to highlight women making an impact in our community through the work they do in non-profit organizations. We asked these women to share one thing…why they are passionate about their work. We are inspired by their responses, and we know you will be, too! Today are thrilled to highlight our friend Tasha Booker who is dedicated to making a difference through the amazing work she does at City Year!

I am passionate about helping students reach their potential because ALL students, regardless of where they attend school are OUR students. I fondly remember my time as a public school student and the amount of support I received and continue to receive as a professional and I want to reach back and lift up. Our community, our city, our state and ultimately our nation will continue to need a strong pipeline of highly educated and civic engaged leaders and that will only be accomplished through providing equitable education opportunities for all students. I serve because there are young leaders waiting for someone to believe in them. I dare to believe in the power of young people.

Woman of the Week – Evelyn Sullen Smith

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Evelyn Sullen Smith

My Current Job/Company:
Attorney, Perez & Morris LLC

My Work:
I’m excited about my return to private practice! My practice focuses on transportation and logistics and business transactions.

My Passion:
Writing and business development.

My Family:
My husband, Jason, daughters Mikaili and Tori, and my Detroit crew!

My Hero or Heroes:
My mother, Hon. Denise Page Hood, Donna James, and Shonda Rhimes.

My Escape:
The hours between 5 am – 7 am (pray, workout, read), traveling, and family gatherings.

My Pet Peeve:
“Bucket Dippers”

My Indulgence:
Wine and relaxation on my patio.

My Roots:
My parents moved from Brighton, Alabama to Detroit, Michigan on the day the riots in 1967 began. Not long after the unrest, I was born!

My Future:
My hands and my heart are postured to expect God’s blessings in all aspects of my life.

My Favorite Quote:
Never underestimate the power of dreams and influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: the potential for greatness lives within each of us.
~Wilma Rudolph

My Accessory:
Inner peace, and my Shinola watch (made in Detroit).

My advice to Young Women:
All setbacks are finite, both in duration and scope, so keep going!

How I Balance it All:
Prayer, my supportive husband, and my daughters’ energy and laughter inspire me in all that I do.

Are you up for The Challenge?



Happy Friday!

We send our clients and friends a message of inspiration at the end of each week. We love this message so much we wanted to share it with you, too…

Care to join us in one simple challenge this week?

CAN YOU UNPLUG? Unplug from your phone, social media, LinkedIn, FaceBook, Instagram, Pinterest, News Alerts?

We are ready for this challenge and going to stop the technology addiction for a week. Email only during business hours. Let us know if you are “in” on the challenge!

Here’s some inspiration! http://www.becomingminimalist.com/unplug-please/

Women of the Week – Finding inspiration!

StarburstOur Women of the Week never cease to amaze us! We love taking a cue from them and finding inspiration all around.

Elizabeth Stelzer
My grandfather always said “nothing is more precious than a good family.” That right there sums up my roots.

Jolie Havens
Personally – my sons – they are the sunshine in my life and frequently give me much-needed perspective on life. Professionally – my clients – I get to work with some incredible individuals and providers that put so much good into the world.

Stephanie Hanna
Real heroes are all around us – those working hard to do things many of us take for granted, those respecting others, not judging, taking the time to get to know people, showing empathy and concern. These are my heroes.

Kristy Carlson
My daughter – She is fearless, fun, and inquisitive. My Grandma Reese – She taught me to meet people where they are without judgment.

Jenny Dingle
My mother is my hero. She was not only my mother, but my best friend. She passed away when I was 30 after a 5 year battle with pancreatic cancer. She had an amazing gift to put others first – making all of our hearts bigger, our smiles wider and our lives better. She taught me the power of kindness, the important balance of hard work and having fun (especially with good girlfriends), that family was everything and to never give up. She taught me determination and inspired me in both words and actions. She taught me not only to live, but how to graciously die. She was simply the best.